Friday, July 22, 2011

Show Opening

It's been a rather uneventful week. Except for the one show opening last friday, and it's now been extended a good month. It was a pretty awesome turnout, and my work looks amazing all matted and framed. I was lucky enough to get some prime placement on the back gallery wall, too. Three of my pieces were grouped together, and look really stunning. It's so odd to see these loose drawings, that were no more than studies that usually end up on my studio floor or at the bottom of a pile, end up framed and matted on a gallery wall- and to hear and see people admiring them. I've been so self conscious about my art- not many people like gestural, expressive art. Say it's too sloppy and unrefined. Well- these drawings certainly didn't look sloppy or unrefined once I put nice matts and frames on them.

The opening was packed. At one point in time it was really hard to move around and see the art, there were so many people. A lot of people say art is dead, and it's becoming harder and harder to make it as an artist- if that night was any indication, it might just be that Cincinnati has a small, but strong art community. Everyone was really nice, and I met a lot of great local artists, and saw a few familiar faces. I honestly think I was the youngest artist in the show. Everyone was asking me where else I exhibit, what my website is, and where I got my training. They were a bit stunned to hear I'm still just a student, at a school not known for it's art, but they were really encouraging and gave me lots of advice for the future.

In fact, a number of pieces sold that night! Not any of mine, but here's hoping I sell at least one. That would be nice, classes are starting up soon, and I'm in two art history classes, meaning I'm going to end up spending a lot of money on books that I don't really look at much. Well, I might actually read the theory book, but I probably won't understand it. Also, I need to restock on paints, brushes, and paper before heading back to the Ox Box. Just thinking about it makes my bank account cry.

Show's open till the end of August, at the Red Tree Gallery in Cincinnati, Ohio. 
Go see it! Its really cool

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