Sunday, September 25, 2011

First Project's In!

It's been a whirlwind of a few weeks. You know you're in for a time consuming semester when you're handed the first assignment before the syllabus. That on top of 2 jobs and theory readings? Man, I'm just glad I have time to sleep! (I'm trying REAL hard to keep this thing going though. Really). Actually, not really. While I'm pretty busy with homework and studio, I seem to have a lot more time at home, and have been getting pretty good sleep. My roommates this year totally rule, and they're (trying) to teach me how to cook. Handling food jointly and cooking IS way cheaper, so I'm perfectly okay with that. No ramen either! Yay!

Anyway, last week, or was it the week before that? I turned in my first sculpture project. I was working with some old ideas. The last 2 times I wanted to work with these concepts I got shot down and told my ideas were "vandalism" Pfffffft. Lamers have no sense of fun, right?  

 The prompt was to make an "active" sculpture. The installation space was a gallery on the east end of the arts building, that actually is the entrance all the theater kids use, and most of the design kids. My idea was, since it was a gallery space, and an art building, why not have a way to get people to draw as they came into the building? I originally wanted to draw right onto the wall, but that brilliant idea got shot down. So a few plans later, and 2 weeks later, this contraption finally came into being. 

There's a suction cup attached to the door, so that every time the door is opened, the squares of wood get pulled across the taught bungee cords, and cause the colored pencils to move. A weight on the other end pulls the wood back into place so it'll happen again once the door shuts.

This is essentially a rough draft. Sone suggestions from friends and classmates to take this further include:

  • Putting images or words underneath the pencils. To make passers sribble out some kind of thought. (Ideas include words from dictionaries, political documents, and photos of celebrities)
  • Painting the wood the color of the wall.
  • Putting blank paper on the wood, and generate a collection of automatic drawings
  • Gessoing the wood white and treating it as a canvas itself
Hopefully I'll get more of a chance in the future to play with this concept. It's pretty fun. 

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